Sunday, November 7, 2010


On September 1, 2009 DAPO established and implemented the California Parole Apprehension Teams (CPAT) as part of the Governor's parole reforms. The team members were selected and trained in fugitive apprehension techniques, the use of sophisticated software for searching thousands of databases, social networking sites and other electronic media.

Unique to this endeavor was the creation of Regional Intelligence Units that were staffed and equipped with specialized hardware and software to look for offenders throughout the United States. These Intelligence Units are staffed with highly trained staff that spend countless hours establishing leads to locate the offenders so the agents can spend time on the streets following up on the leads.

To date, these highly effective teams have been responsible for the locating, arresting, or closure due to imprisonment or death of more that 2,000 parolees at large. Their dedication to DAPO's mission of public safety by returning these offenders to parole supervision is paramount and a testament to the commitment the division has to protecting the public.

For examples of parolees captured and for the history of the Division of Adult Parole Operations efforts to capture parolees-at-large, visit the department’s web site at or visit the intranet at: http://intranet/opec/Lists/CDCR%20Today/CDCR%20Today.aspx

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